Chattahoochee Hospice is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax deductible as permitted by law.
Chattahoochee Hospice depends on the charitable support and partnership with community members and businesses as the areas only independent non-profit hospice. Your donations help fund programs that support our patients, their families and the community we serve. We are grateful for your support and generosity.
You can help Chattahoochee Hospice by making a one time, monthly, annual donation, or planned gift. Your gift may be a donation to our programs and services, or in memory or honor of someone, or to celebrate a special occasion or accomplishment. You may also specify which program or service you wish to designate your gift. With Chattahoochee Hospice, you can feel confident that we will use your donation to help achieve our/your mission.
For gifts in honor or memory of someone please include the name of the individual whom you wish to pay tribute to as well as the name and address of the individuals you wish to be notified of the gift. Please note that when someone is notified of a gift made in memory of their loved one, we only give the donor's name and address and never the amount of the gift.
Please complete a donation form (at bottom of this page) and mail the form with your donation to:
Chattahoochee Hospice
6 Medical Park North
Valley, Alabama 36854
We value our donors and protect your privacy. We do not sell or trade any information about our donors. For more information please read our Donor Privacy Policy.
If you have a question about a donation or wish to be added or removed from the Chattahoochee Hospice mailing list, please call us or send an email to [email protected].
Chattahoochee Hospice depends on the charitable support and partnership with community members and businesses as the areas only independent non-profit hospice. Your donations help fund programs that support our patients, their families and the community we serve. We are grateful for your support and generosity.
You can help Chattahoochee Hospice by making a one time, monthly, annual donation, or planned gift. Your gift may be a donation to our programs and services, or in memory or honor of someone, or to celebrate a special occasion or accomplishment. You may also specify which program or service you wish to designate your gift. With Chattahoochee Hospice, you can feel confident that we will use your donation to help achieve our/your mission.
For gifts in honor or memory of someone please include the name of the individual whom you wish to pay tribute to as well as the name and address of the individuals you wish to be notified of the gift. Please note that when someone is notified of a gift made in memory of their loved one, we only give the donor's name and address and never the amount of the gift.
Please complete a donation form (at bottom of this page) and mail the form with your donation to:
Chattahoochee Hospice
6 Medical Park North
Valley, Alabama 36854
We value our donors and protect your privacy. We do not sell or trade any information about our donors. For more information please read our Donor Privacy Policy.
If you have a question about a donation or wish to be added or removed from the Chattahoochee Hospice mailing list, please call us or send an email to [email protected].
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